(In Spanish ) Facebook Ads: How to Use the Power o

About this course Omitir About this course Looking to attract people, conquistarlas and converters to customers of your business. In this course we teach you how to create publicity campaigns from here. Finding all the process from creating and configuring a public account to using tools like the pixel of Facebook, Audience Insights and the Administrator of Facebook Announcements to maximize your presumption and good results. You can also identify audiences, segment your audience and make a difference in terms of value to focus on the objectives of your digital strategy. Desarrollarás las habilidades para definir un presupuesto, elegir la estrategia de puja para tus campañas, medir su impacto y optimizarlas para cumplir tus objetivos. Also, you can configure a test A / B to realize publicity on Facebook every time it is more efficient and effective. It is a part-time course by Jojo Giuffra, Marketing Mentor of the Google Developers Experts program. Their specialization is to develop strategies for the generation of demand to influence the ingredients and in the value of customer life. The comparisons of experience in good digital marketing tips, with video tutorials, real-life case studies and specialization explanations, help you learn the skills of a digital entertainment capability that will make you connect with everyone digital paws. This is the second course of the Digital Marketing Professional Certification Program. The first course is Content and Community Management, the third eMail Marketing and the Google Ads query. We recommend that you complete the four courses for your digital competencies to help but not be able to disengage in the digital world.

Offered By:  GalileoX

Course Duration:  5 WEEKS

  • 3,605