Mechanics of Deformable Structures: Part 1

About this course

Skip About this course
Many natural and man-made structures can be modeled as assemblages of interconnected structural elements loaded along their axis (bars), in torsion (shafts) and in bending (beams). In this course you will learn to use equations for static equilibrium, geometric compatibility and constitutive material response to analyze structural assemblages.

This course provides an introduction to behavior in which the shape of the structure is permanently changed by loading the material beyond its elastic limit (plasticity), and behavior in which the structural response changes over time (viscoelasticity).

This is the second course in a 3-part series. In this series you will learn how mechanical engineers can use analytical methods and “back of the envelope” calculations to predict structural behavior.  The three courses in the series are:

Part 1 – 2.01x: Elements of Structures. (Elastic response of Structural Elements: Bars, Shafts, Beams). Fall Term

Part 2 – 2.02.1x Mechanics of Deformable Structures: Part 1. (Assemblages of Elastic, Elastic-Plastic, and Viscoelastic Bars in axial loading). Spring Term

 Part 3 – 2.02.2x Mechanics of Deformable Structures: Part 2. (Assemblages of bars, shafts, and beams. Multi-axial Loading and Deformation. Energy Methods). Summer Term

These courses are based on the first subject in solid mechanics for MIT Mechanical Engineering students.  Join them and learn to rely on the notions of equilibrium, geometric compatibility, and constitutive material response to ensure that your structures will perform their specified mechanical function without failing.

Offered By:  Massachusetts Institute of technology

Course Duration:  12 week

  • 7,304