(In Spanish)Introduction to political theory: conc

About this course Omitir About this course This course is part of the IPSAMOOC project, a joint venture Federica Weblearning - IPSA, the International Political Science Association The objective of this course of political science is the presentation of the history of political theory from its commissions to Plato to the work of Jurgen Habermas. This online course exposes, therefore, the theories of the principal authorities of the traditional canon of political theory and it is useful for them to explain the application and the development of central political concepts to the extent of history. To be able to do this effectively, some of our modules are centered on contextual factors, present a synthesis of the main periods and address the problems derived from the possible interpretations of the different authorities, as well as the actual political value of their theories. In relation to the methodology and the adopted language, the course of political thought aspires to be simple and direct, dynamic and entertaining. I did not look for a comprehensive presentation, who presented the main points of the theories and how to connect them with others. This online course can be used as an apprenticeship for students of political science, sociology and humanities, but it can also be of great interest to any city interested in political topics.

Offered By:  FedericaX

Course Duration:  7 WEEKS

  • 4341